A note to you as a Lender
- All loans originated by Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pangestu are not non-performing loans; they have never been late in payments and have never been restructured. Thus, borrowers of these loans have a good credit record.
- MEKAR has carefully audited Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pangestu’s financial statements and performance.
About Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pangestu
- The Pangestu Savings and Loan Cooperative was established in Juwana, Pati, Central Java, in 2000.
- Pangestu offers both personal and business loans to its borrowers in rural areas in three provinces across Java. Only productive loans for business purposes can be funded through MEKAR.
- The majority of Pangestu’s micro-business borrowers are micro retailers and farmers.
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pangestu in Numbers
As of October 2019:
- 26,986 microcredit borrowers
- IDR 62 billion in loans outstanding
- 2.43% non-performing loans
- 39 branch offices
- Coverage: 18 cities/regencies spread across Central Java, East Java, and DI Yogyakarta
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pangestu’s Mission
- To help grow our members’ micro businesses to promote people’s economy.
- To run our cooperative professionally in accordance with the principles of cooperative associations.
- To improve employee competencies through training and education.