A note to you as a Lender
- All loans originated by Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Melania CU are not non-performing loans; they have never been late in payments and have never been restructured. Thus, borrowers of these loans have a good credit record.
- MEKAR has carefully audited Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Melania CU’s financial statements and performance.
About Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Melania CU
- The Melania CU Savings and Loan Cooperative was established in 1991 in Bandung, West Java.
- Melania CU offers only productive loans for business purposes to its members.
- Melania CU is one of the largest credit unions in West Java.
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Melania CU in Numbers
As of August 2019:
2,230 microcredit borrowers
IDR 204 billion in loans outstanding
0.64 % non-performing loans
4 branch offices
Coverage: Bandung City and Bandung Regency in West Java
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Melania CU’s Mission
- To foster independence in our members.
- To establish a professional and sustainable management team.
- To deliver optimal service in financial services.
- To synergize with the Credit Union Central of West Java (PUSKOPDIT JABAR).