A note to you as a Funder
- Mekar has carefully audited Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah’s financial statements and performance.
- All loans generated by Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah are not non-performing loans; they have never been late in payments and have never been rescheduled. Thus, borrowers of these loans have a good credit record.
About Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah
- Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah was established in June 1989 in the Curugbitung village, Nanggung district, Bogor regency under the name Karya Usaha Mandiri.
- Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah provides services, consultancy and financing to poor households in rural Indonesia using the Grameen Bank microcredit model.
- On January 8, 2016, Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri made changes to its Article of Association in o
Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah in Numbers
As of April 2018:
- 141,397 borrowers
- IDR 305 billion in loans outstanding
- 0.05% Non-performing loans
- 40 branch offices
- Coverage: South Tangerang, West Java, and Central Java
Koperasi Karya Usaha Mandiri Syariah’s Mission:
- To develop savings and loan services for the underprivileged and bring benefits both to our clients and to our institution.
- To build solidarity among the poor and help them become independent by adopting group lending techniques.
- To improve the livelihoods of our borrowers and staff members as well as other stakeholders.